Thursday, February 6, 2014

Project365 - Street Photography

Street photography is an art-form all in itself. The images tend to be very raw, often depicting human emotions in a very intimate way. For the record, I have ZERO experience with it. Perhaps our trip to Las Vegas will present me with opportunities to try my hand at it.


The Setup

The objective is to be as I obtrusive as possible. So no tripods, no flash, no huge lenses. But you do need a zoom of some form. This is not the venue for portrait photography !

Camera - Canon 60D, Lens - Canon 24-105mm f/4 L

The Photos

Whoops ! Forgot to set the white balance correctly. But if you look at the man on the left's body language, he is clearly impatient to get his morning cup of joe.

This photo worked out well ! I wanted to capture & convey how Dad is still, while the kids are in near-constant motion. I had to lower the shutter speed to about 1/5 of a second to achieve this look.

This solitary travellers surrounded by empty chairs. I like the look, even though he is not really doing anything particularly interesting. I might have messed around with the depth of field, but Ias more concerned with not getting caught taking his picture !


Lessons Learned

I need to research and practise this area of photography better. This was a reasonable first attempt, although I need to get in front of the subjects, in order to capture the raw expressions. I might also shoot them in monochrome, to highlight the contrasts rather than the colors.



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