Monday, January 27, 2014

Project365 - Out and About

We were traipsing around Cornwall, and found so many interesting things to photograph. I had decided to use my wide-angle lens, to see what effect it would have on the feeling my photos.

The Setup

As always, I was shooting with my trusty Canon 60D. On it, I had mounted my Canon 24-40mm f/4L series lens.

The Photos

Some photographers like to take pictures of running water with long exposures. This smooths the flow, making it look soft & silky. Here, I was hoping to capture the crusty nature of the ice. That crustiness is also seen in the concrete wall, and the swirling water - I hope !

This is the bridge between Cornwall, ON and Messina, NY. I wanted to shoot it before it gets torn down. The very bright sunshine (flare in the top right corner) makes the bridge look dark & foreboding. Maybe this should have been shot in HDR, but I like the hard shadows.

The sluice way at the power dam posed a challenge. The fence you see creating leading lines is also cutting right in front of me. I opened up the aperture wide, and hoped that any incursion would be invisible. It almost was - a little cropping saved the photo.

Lessons Learned

This shoot was an "out and about" series. I had not scouted any locations previously, so I had no idea what challenges I would face. Equally, the brutal cold made me push to be just a smidge faster. Prepping the camera settings in the car beforehand really helped !


1 comment:

Kathleen Sauerbrei said...

These are quite nice Mark.
Your tromping about
was not in vain