Saturday, January 25, 2014

Project365 - Monochrome

It's been a couple of days since I worked my Project365 program. I'm in Ontario, wrapping up the final details of my mother's death. The weather had been grey and frigid, and in haven't felt much like shooting. But that's the whole point of this project, isn't it ? So I decided to stay cosy and warm, and to shoot out our hotel room window. Since Kingston is the "Limestone City", and the weather is grey and grim, I thought it was high time I experimented in monochrome, or "black and white" as some people refer to it.


The Setup

Camera - Canon 60D, lens - Canon 24-105mm f/4 L

Nothing exciting today. Shot handheld out the hotel room window. A nice vantage point from the 5th floor.


The Photos

Kingston's famous City Hall sits across the road from Lake Ontario.











I very much like the look of the icicles hanging off the old copper roofs.

The famous Martello Tower (to the right), and Royal Military College across the causeway. Kingston, having once been Canada's capital has a rich military tradition.

A closer look at Royal Military College.

Lessons Learned

This was a straightforward shoot in that I set up to expose for shady white balance, kept the aperture at the mid point, and exposed at abou 1/60th of a second. The camera's sensor is very good at picking up the tones & hues, so it was easy to convert to monochrome in post-processing.


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