Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Project365 - (Christmas) Food Porn !

Merry Christmas, everybody ! As you can imagine, the holidays are a very busy time, so I am multiple-tasking. The subject of today's Project365 entry is the preparation of Christmas dinner. It's a time-consuming labour of love, so I thought I'd double up & document some of the steps as I go. If I have done ANY of this right, you will be salivating as you go... Enjoy !


Here are the beginnings of the "in the bird" dressing. I took this series without a flash, so as to better learn to compensate with ISO, shutter & aperture.

I know you're wondering just what I am up to... All will be revealed soone enough !




Tada ! This is something my mother taught us - using bacon to baste the bird. After this, all the normal spices & seasonings go on.



After a couple of hours in the oven, tented, the bird is starting to look pretty good, although it needs the cover off to brown up.



And here we see the finished product - nicely browned & ready to go. I'm going to let it stand for about 30 minutes before we carve it.




Who doesn't like pie ? Here's Pat's "front scratch" Apple & cherry pie...


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