Monday, March 24, 2014

Project365 - When You See It...

I've been struggling to find my muse. There have been so many distractions, I'm afraid I can no longer really call this a 365 Project. Sigh... I must soldier on and keep shooting ! We are in the process of moving homes, and I was given the task of cleaning the jetted tub. You pour these crystals in, run the pumps, and they scour the internals of the pump and pipes. Then you drain the tub and refill, repeating the process to rinse the crystals out of the tub and it's internals.

The Setup

The ever-so-trusty Canon 60D, mounted with my Canon 24-105mm f/4 L lens. To brighten up the contrast, I mounted the hotshoe with a Canon 430EX II flash. I shot handheld, so I could get as close as I wanted.

The Photos

You can just make out the refraction of light around the drain. Do you see it ?


It may be a little less easy to discern in this photo...

I wanted to capture the vortex of water, created as it swirled down the drain. While the vortex wasn't so evident, the refraction of the light was !


Lessons Learned

This caught my eye & I decided to shoot. The challenge was that the water was SO clear, that I couldn't make out the funnel-shape I hoped. But the refraction of light bending the overall shape of the drain was wonderful ! Perhaps next time, I might try some light food colouring to the water.


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