In a conversation recently with a colleague, he was very interested in the theme of renewable energy. But he tempered his enthusiasm, stating that he really couldn't contribute to the field. Rather, he was looking for ways to take advantage of advances in the field.
We can't all live on acreages, giving us lots of space to build high towers for wind-turbines. Nor do we all have access to a flowing river or stream to take advantage of hydro-power. Finally, most municipalities frown upon the erection of solar panels in urban settings (although this trend is changing).
"So how can I participate ?" asked my urbanite friend.
Depending on what your goals are, you have many options, but they all fall back to a single definition - Conservationism. By not contributing to the problem, you are still participating in the solution. Whether your goals revolve around lessening your carbon footprint, or lowering your hydro bills, you need to minimize (conserve !) the resources you use.
10) change the set point on your thermostat. If you live in a cold climate, setting the thermostat to 19C in the winter will reduce your heating bills by up to 17% ! if you live in a hot climate, running the AC less (set it to 24C) will keep the temperature comfortable, while saving you money.
9) switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. Here in Canada, you cannot buy incandescants anymore. They use roughly 10% of the energy of standard incandescent bulbs, and last 7 times longer on average.
8) turn down your hot water heater. Setting it at 49C rather than 60C will make a 30% difference on your energy bill, and lessen your carbon footprint significantly.
7) install a "green" toilet. They have two flush modes, depending on whether you need to expel liquid or solid waste. These toilets use 60% less water, as measured on a household of four people.
6) turn off the darn lights ! If you're not in the room, what do you need to see ?
5) wrap your hot-water heater in an extra layer of insulation. Your hot-water heater is the single largest energy consumer in your household. Give it every chance you can to be as efficient as possible.
4) check the seals around your windows and doors. When they are closed, a lit candle will flicker if air is sneaking past. That flicker means you are trying to heat or cool the entire neighborhood !
3) turn the water off while you brush your teeth. All that clean water going straight down the drain...
2) fix dripping taps & leaky fixtures quickly. A tap dripping slowly for one day can waste as much as 29 litres of water !
1) install a 7 day programmable thermostat. It will remember to lower the temperature at night, and during the day when nobody is home.
These simple changes can be done in any property, whether you own or rent. If you do these 10 things you will achieve your goals - you'll be contributing to the solution, rather than the problem. Oh, and you'll enjoy lower energy and water bills, too !
The opinions expressed are purely those of the author. Opinions are like noses - everyone has one, and they are entitled to it !
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