Friday, August 7, 2015

Why I'm Disgusted By Politics

So here we are in the height of election season on both sides of the border. All the candidates are out campaigning, and doing whatever it is they think they need to do in order to be "noticed" in the press. In the USA, it appears that the candidates are trying to out-do each other by saying the most outrageous things they can. In Canada, there seems to be a near-constant "smear campaign", designed to make the competition look bad.


I want to be 100% clear here - I am NOT going to tell you who is better, or who is worse. Or which candidate did what 25 years ago, making them a heinous person. What I AM going to do is ask the we all take this election seriously...


All over Social Media I am seeing memes that go beyond disrespectful - whether it's Justin Trudeau on a tricycle, or Stephen Harper with a penis on his head. Can we just stop ?!? At the end of the day, these are all decent men & women, doing their best as they see it. Whether or not you agree with them is no cause to attack them personally !


Bernie Sanders said it very well last evening - he "... has enormous respect for Hilary Clinton and will NOT be attacking her personally". Her policies and positions, most certainly - but not her person.


I think that is why the citizens of our nations are becoming disgusted with politics - there's no more respect ! Whether or not you agree with him, Stephen Harper has earned the title "The Right Honourable Prime Minister". The correct way to address Barack Obama is "Mr President". Perhaps our elected representatives would also do well to remember that.

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