Bless me Blogger for I have sinned, it's been over a year since my last post...
OK, so now I've gotten that out of the way. It's high time I started blogging again. I don't have a specific purpose in blogging - for a while it was an online confessional, like the first line of this post. For a while I was using it to chronicle a failed 365 day Photography project. For now, I'm going to simply NOT categorize these posts, and let's just see what it morphs into, OK ?
The past year has been challenging - life changes so rapidly, it's amazing we humans can keep up or even cope ! But there has always been constants - work, home-life, friends and (most importantly) family. But we are here, we are healthy, and we are alive ! That's got to count for something, right ? I think rather than turning this blog into a series of whiny posts about what's wrong with the world, and my opinions thereof, I shall choose to instead celebrate all the good things life has offered me.
As many of you may well know, I am an avid amateur photographer. So you won't be surprised when my posts are littered with my photography ! I'm also a fairly social creature, so I tend to share a lot via Social Media. Is anybody going to be surprised if I choose to liberally mix the two ?
I read somewhere (I read voraciously) that a rich man knows to invest his time and energy not in things, but on experiences. This has struck me profoundly, so follow along as I share these experiences here...
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