Saturday, September 17, 2011

Small "C" conservative AND Renewable Energy bigot ?

After reading one of my more recent BLOG entries, my wife pointed out that it seemed inconsistent that I tout my self as a small "C" conservative while extolling the virtues of Renewable Energy. She went on to explain that "usually", conservatives will support big business, like oil companies and auto-makers.

I don't understand why they have to be mutually exclusive. In the USA, we consistently hear about the need to "lessen our dependance on foreign oil", and the use of terms such as "energy security", to describe the US's shifting foreign policies. If terms such as those underscore a sentiment of finding & developing new forms of energy, why NOT renewable energy ?

I sense a major shift coming. The governments (both Federal and State) of the USA are beginning to really invest in Renewable Energy. Everything from feed in tariff programs, to direct subsidies of this burgeoning industry. So why not get in on the ground floor ?

There is an entirely new industry starting to form around renewable energy. Huge wind projects by companies like General Electric are being proposed. Everywhere you look, there are solar arrays - on roofs, in fields, on commercial buildings. Those are just the traditional photo-voltaic arrays to generate small amounts of electricity. Look at some of the larger projects which seek to focus sunlight to create molten sodium, generating electricity even when the sun is down !

This industry will have serious longevity, as continued research & development will be funded through grants and public funding. Why not be a Capitalist, looking to cash in on this amazing future ?

I'm not some Eco-hippie, trying to save the world. Renewable energy appeals not only to the geeky side of me, curious about the technology. It also satisfies my hunger for open-source. The democratization of the Energy industry. The open sharing of information about the technologies available today is what insures that the industry won't be kept closed by giant energy companies, like we see in the Oil & Gas industry.

My wife has asked me why I don't do something in this field to earn a living ? She's right - why don't I ?

The opinions expressed in this post are purely those of the author. Opinions are like noses; everyone has one and they are entitled to it !

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