Saturday, September 17, 2011

Small "C" conservative AND Renewable Energy bigot ?

After reading one of my more recent BLOG entries, my wife pointed out that it seemed inconsistent that I tout my self as a small "C" conservative while extolling the virtues of Renewable Energy. She went on to explain that "usually", conservatives will support big business, like oil companies and auto-makers.

I don't understand why they have to be mutually exclusive. In the USA, we consistently hear about the need to "lessen our dependance on foreign oil", and the use of terms such as "energy security", to describe the US's shifting foreign policies. If terms such as those underscore a sentiment of finding & developing new forms of energy, why NOT renewable energy ?

I sense a major shift coming. The governments (both Federal and State) of the USA are beginning to really invest in Renewable Energy. Everything from feed in tariff programs, to direct subsidies of this burgeoning industry. So why not get in on the ground floor ?

There is an entirely new industry starting to form around renewable energy. Huge wind projects by companies like General Electric are being proposed. Everywhere you look, there are solar arrays - on roofs, in fields, on commercial buildings. Those are just the traditional photo-voltaic arrays to generate small amounts of electricity. Look at some of the larger projects which seek to focus sunlight to create molten sodium, generating electricity even when the sun is down !

This industry will have serious longevity, as continued research & development will be funded through grants and public funding. Why not be a Capitalist, looking to cash in on this amazing future ?

I'm not some Eco-hippie, trying to save the world. Renewable energy appeals not only to the geeky side of me, curious about the technology. It also satisfies my hunger for open-source. The democratization of the Energy industry. The open sharing of information about the technologies available today is what insures that the industry won't be kept closed by giant energy companies, like we see in the Oil & Gas industry.

My wife has asked me why I don't do something in this field to earn a living ? She's right - why don't I ?

The opinions expressed in this post are purely those of the author. Opinions are like noses; everyone has one and they are entitled to it !

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Un-American Thoughts on 9/11

Today marks the 10th Anniversary of the infamous attack on the USA. As our thoughts turn to remembering those innocent lives that were lost, we also pause to remember those heroic men and women who valiantly rode into the fray to rescue as many as they possibly could. I sit humbly by, amazed by their courage and selflessness. I have no interest in diminishing those memories or emotions.

I was asked this morning what Canada was doing to mark the anniversary of this emotionally-charged day. Frankly, it is one of mixed emotions for me, personally. I don't purport to represent the sentiments of the entire nation of Canada, yet can't help but feel that I am not alone in these feelings. Why should Canadians do anything to mark the day ?

Immediately after the horrific realization that these were deliberate acts of terrorism, the USA slammed it's borders closed, stranding airline passengers of all nations. Canadians in communities like Gander, NL opened their hearts and their homes to those "stateless" people. Meanwhile the USA immediately looked for somebody to blame.

I was mortified when many US politicians accused Canada of providing terrorists a means of entering the USA ! Somehow, Canada was being held responsible for allowing terrorists into the USA. As time progressed, agencies like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) were granted sweeping powers by the US Congress, sometimes even violating the Constitution, all in the name of fighting terrorism.

Well, let me be the one who says it: Terrorism has won. Then-President Bush enacted a sweeping foreign policy, based on "your either for us or agin us". And since Canada was not immediately ready to mobilize Canadian troops, we were on the "agin us" side ! The DHS began it's work of protecting the USA by erecting fences along the longest undefended border in the history of the world. Canadians were quietly offended.

And the fences weren't just physical. Trade barriers were erected, as the USA became further & further insular, xenophobic and frightened. The nation that was founded on the premise of "send us your tired & downtrodden", which has an incredible history of welcoming people of all Nations, religions, colours and creeds suddenly lost it's ability to see beyond Caucasian Christianity.

On that fateful day, news agencies around the globe were bursting with stories of tragedy and heroism - from the USA. But the rest of the world soldiered on. Was anybody in the USA aware of the significant market-correction in Japan's stock market ? What about the fact that Germany, who has the second-largest economy in the world, was in the process of electing a new Chancellor ? It was a day of human loss and tragedy - but how many people die every single day in third-world Nations, at the hands of oppressive Governments, drought or starvation ?

The USA has embarked on a sustained "War on Terrorism". Billions or even trillions of dollars have been spent, fighting this war. And yet terrorism is still an ever-present reality. People of all Nations eye each other with suspicion & fear. The simple act of traveling, even within the borders of our own Nation, has been hampered by what many refer to as "Security Theatre". And what has been gained ? Are we any more secure from terrorist acts ? Not as much as we might want to believe.

Now the USA is economically shattered. It can no longer afford to wage war on the terrorists, let alone house and feed it's own people. The collapse of the US Financial industry started a Global recession. But instead of ceasing the war and diverting those funds to spurring the economy, more money is diverted to DHS. To provide even more opportunities for Security Theatre. The policies of the Transportation Security Administration (now a sub-agency of DHS), have been compared to the infamous SS of Nazi Germany.

The DHS saw fit to enhance security at the Superbowl in Detroit by posting snipers around the playing field. Meanwhile, Canada stood by silently as the US Coast Guard commenced live weapons-fire trials in the International waters of the Great Lakes. Under ANY other circumstances, that would have been considered an Act of War !

So please don't be surprised if Canada, and perhaps other Nations, do little to mark the 10 year Anniversary of 9/11. While nobody will ever forget that tragic day, I would rather see our Nations celebrate the durability of the Human Spirit, rather than dwell on the horrors of what human beings are capable of doing to each other. We will include the fallen and the heroes in our prayers, but I wouldn't expect much more.

I, personally, pause & reflect on the heroism and compassion. The selflessness and courage. I weep at the senselessness and cheer for the heroes.

The opinions expressed in this post are purely those of the author. Opinions are like noses; everyone has one and they are entitled to it !