Friday, October 1, 2010

Employment Insurance ? Who are YOU trying to kid ?

Every morning, I wake up at about the same time, pour my wife & I a cup of coffee and watch the news in bed. Usually, I get a synopsis of local, National and International news. A little fluff & feel-good news & I am off to the shower to start my day...

This morning, something happened that hasn't happened in a long time - a news article stopped just short of infuriating me. It turns out that some third-party wrote a report recommending the Canadian Government RAISE the EI premiums ! For those non-Canadians, Employment Insurance is kind of like a step between being employed & welfare. If you are briefly out of work, you can receive a bi-weekly cheque from the government, to keep you afloat while you seek new employment.

Unfortunately, this has become somewhat of a cash-grab by the Federal Governments (I put it as plural, because both the Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives are guilty). The rules are such that if a wage-earner:
  1. Quits his job voluntarily, they are ineligible for EI
  2. Is fired from his job with cause, they are ineligible for EI
The only reason you can receive EI is if you are "laid off", and there is a very short list of reasons for being laid off that makes one eligible for EI. Worse, if you make too much money, you are ineligible for EI, or you risk having it clawed back !

So in effect, Canadians are mandated BY LAW to pay an Insurance Premium that they can (almost) NEVER collect on ! And yet this third-party & the Government see fit to raise the premiums - again ...

When I was in grade school, the common description was "Of the people, for the people, by the people". Which people are these elected buffoons representing ? Certainly NOT the wage-earner who would need the help from EI the most.

I wonder when Canadians will stand up and tell their Government - YOU'RE FIRED !

The opinions expressed are purely those of the author. Opinions are like noses - everyone has one, and they are entitled to it !

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