Sunday, August 29, 2010

Open Source Education - Khan Academy

Following closely on the heels of some previous posts on Open-Source education, I stumbled upon the Khan Academy this morning. The work of just one man (Salman Khan), it numbers some 1600 lectures in YouTube video format which cover subjects ranging from Calculous to Economics. It is an impressive body of work, and one that is sure to change the way people are educated around the world.

While not one to condone or encourage celebrity endorsements, I will point out tha Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has not only publicly referred to the Khan Acedemy a number of times, but he has also enrolled his own children. Take that for whatever you wish.

I for one am pleased to see that the notion of Open-Source education is really taking root - I checked out the Khan Academy this morning, and there was ~4500 individulas logged in. How inspiring is that ?

The opinions expressed are purely those of the author. Opinions are like noses - everyone has one, and they are entitled to it !

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