Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thinking Green Thoughts...

So I will be the first to admit that I am not really going green. While I respect people's beliefs that shrinking their carbon footprint as honorable, I am not so altruistic. I am interested in these projects for financial reasons. Followed closely by the fact they appeal to the geeky technologist inside me.

For me, the financial aspect is the FIRST consideration. Whether it be that I lessen my costs for a specific product or service, or I lessen my dependence on somebody ELSE providing that product or service, both represent a net-gain (or win) for me. Examples include the fact that I stopped having my e-mail hosted by a 3rd party. This is because they couldn't reliably provide me with service.

In the case of Bio-Diesel, I am interested primarily in lowering my costs, but the technology behind trans-estrification appeals to the geeky side of me. The fact that it lowers tail-pipe emissions is a bonus, but not a principal goal. Especially since the raw product - waste vegetable oil - is abundantly & freely available to me. Free as in zero cost.

The Solar components interest me because it would lessen my dependence on the power-grid. While they are ultimately very reliable, a power outage never happens at a good time. And then there's the cost. While power is relatively inexpensive, the main uses of that power are wasteful. Uses like heating hot-water for on-demand use. Why NOT use solar - it's free & always available. When coupled with a wind-turbine, there is pretty much a limitless supply of energy close at hand.

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