Sunday, June 27, 2010

iOS4 vs Android ?

A lot has been made lately of the latest offerings from Apple. Is the iPad a "magical" device ? I don't know, but clearly 3 million consumers in 80 days would lead one to believe so. But then there are the Open-Source nay-sayers, who bray on about Android being better that iOS4. Maybe it is...

Here's the reality: the pace of development for Android is VERY rapid. As such, it is hard for the carriers & therefore the end-consumers to keep up. While the Telcos do a decent job at measuring out the updates, it was horrifying to learn that Google has the power to both remove and add software to the Android platform without the user's permission !

So saying that Apple is this capricious company, whose needs are self-serving and then using that as a justification for Android seems to be a little off base. Seems the argument has degenerated (once again) down to "my distro is better than your distro", without any real solid basis.

The opinions expressed are purely those of the author. Opinions are like noses - everyone has one, and they are entitled to it !